
When you need a checkup for the neck up.

OK, not just your head. We think your emotions and your body are pretty important for your mental health, too. More than anything we think mental health should build on what’s right with us, not just diagnose what’s wrong. It should tap into our inner resources, strengths, and boldest visions of the future, not just treat the symptoms.

As seen in
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Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Logo template for the infinite loop slider
Freebie Resource

7 Soul Needs You Must Meet To Avoid Burnout

Burnout manifests when you chronically forsake your soul in the pursuit of success. Ready to meet your soul needs first?
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Download the FREE checklist now, grab your favorite drink, get familiar with the 7 soul needs you must meet to avoid burnout.
After completing this checklist you will:
- Know the 7 soul-needs you must meet in order to avoid burnout.
- Get clarity on whether you are meeting your soul needs or if you need to tap into them more.
- Find direction on how to satisfy your soul needs that aren't getting met.

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How Stressed Am I?

Wondering how stressed you really are (and what to do about it)?

Discover the level and severity of stress you’re encountering.
Discover resources and techniques to help move through your current stress cycle.
Discover what strategies work best to minimize stress for the long-haul. And much more…
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It's time to find out how stressed you really are! Get our How Stressed Am I? Quiz results straight to your inbox so you can start uncovering your stressors and start managing them for good!

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Mental Health Done Differently


Loneliness is a common theme these days. We’re hyper-connected, but more lonely than ever. That’s why the foundation for everything we do is to help people find authentic connection — to their own soul and to each other.

Gone are the days when our mental health only gets our attention when we’re in crisis. Instead, we believe that mental is nurtured over time through consistent practices. Mental health sits on a continuum and the more reps we put into the things that align our soul w our actions, the more mentally healthy we will be.

The future of mental health will move away from pathologizing symptoms (diagnosing and treating conditions) and move toward viewing symptoms as disturbances from the psyche (or soul), calling us back to our inherent nature. Getting us back on our unique path. Guiding us back to our destiny. 

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